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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12/20/06
DECEMBER 20, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed – Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette – Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith – Police Chief
                        Debra Clark – Town Clerk
                        Tracy Fairbank – Recreation Director
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Mr. LeClair recognized Christian Craig, George Lamb and Albert St. Pierre from the Southern Vermont Regional Recreation Center.  Albert St. Pierre advised that this is a regional recreation center and they are welcoming the Town of Charlestown to join them.   He has recently been invited to join their Board of directors, which he has accepted.  They are ready to open soon and hope it will be before the end of the year; recently Jon LeClair and Dave Edkins took a tour of the facility.  He added that we can all share a very nice facility that many towns could not afford on their own.  George Lamb said he is privileged to be here and to serve as Chairman of the Center’s Board of Directors.  The plans for the project were announced in May of 1999.  Funding came to the Town after the State of Vermont wanted to site the prison there.  He provided some history and advised that this is a private non-profit corporation that is not affiliated with the Town of Springfield.  Their goal is to have a community health and recreation facility; it will be regional in nature and in scope and include the surrounding communities.  Christian Craig, Director, explained that the facility offers three pools, cardio and other various equipment, therapy sessions through the Springfield Hospital and various programs such as the schools using the center for physical education programs; there will be a swim team.  They would like to sponsor a Charlestown night when residents can go in to test out the facility and hope the towns will consider dedicating funds for their residents.  Jon LeClair thanked them for the presentation and stated that the facility is beautiful; he hopes the people of Charlestown will take advantage of it.  It was agreed that Albert St. Pierre would contact the Recreation Department to set up the Charlestown Day. Tracy Fairbanks will write an article for the Our Town publication.                  


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of December 6, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of December 6, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.   

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the Hackett Swamp Road project is completed for the winter; the roadbed was raised but it is finished until the spring.  With the weather being the way it is the department has been cleaning ditches.  There is a culvert header problem on the Lamb Road so they will work on that on Friday.  He is having the Highway Garage property surveyed as there appear to be some boundary issues.

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed submitted a purchase order for the repairs to the compacter.  There is a quote for a new one in the packet for the Selectboard’s consideration.  Last week he went to Concord to a NRAA meeting regarding electronics recycling.  They will have to move forward with a mandatory glass recycling program next year.  

Solid Waste Contract:  Michael Viani, Vice President of Business Development with Casella Waste, addressed the Board.  They would like to provide disposal services to the Town and offered a contract for disposal sites in Bethlehem and Newport.  He submitted a letter and sample contract for review.  Their landfill is located considerably closer than the Berlin landfill and he presented some preliminary figures illustrating savings for the Town which he estimates to be approximately $60/a trip.  Another advantage is their facility in Newport, NH that is both a transfer station and hauling division; it is a great backup site in the event of inclement weather or other emergency.  If something were to happen to the Town truck or driver and they are in need of help this facility is there and in an emergency their truck could pick up containers in Charlestown.  He would like to work with the Town to try to save them some money in their disposal costs.  Steve Neill noted that the exclusivity clause in the proposed contract is a problem as the Town wants to keep all of its disposal options open.  Mr. Viani said in terms of the town wanting to have the option to do something else; he can strike that clause.  Dave Edkins explained that the contract with the Mt. Carberry facility allows the Town to use it or not; the town likes that flexibility.  On occasion the town uses the Wheelabrator facility.  Jon LeClair does not like being locked into one place but the shorter distance to Bethlehem and the tipping fees are attractive.  Steve Neill said it would be appreciated if he could do something on the Newport rates.  Michael Viani will work with Dave Edkins.  Jon LeClair advised that the Selectboard would look at the new proposal.                            

Town Clerk:  Debra Clark had submitted a letter relative to obtaining a $10,000 grant for Vital Records Preservation.  This will benefit all of the records.  It is to turn the former Clerk’s office into a vault with some improvements and provide funding for fireproof cabinets, boxes, etc. The door to that room will be replaced as this room will be off limits to most people.  Because of the potential for fraud they want these records under lock-and-key.  The vital records will also be microfilmed; one film will be at the library and the second film will be stored off-premises.  Mrs. Clark will talk to the State because the grant paperwork has to be submitted in January.  The Selectboard approved having her apply for the Grant.  

Mrs. Clark also advised that when the work was being done in the Town Clerk’s Office the panic line got clipped and is not working.  The Selectboard felt she should contact Pete Lumbra, who did the electrical work, to make him aware of the issue so it can be corrected at no cost.       

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that Biron’s Flooring will be in the Police Department office on January 2nd to install new flooring.  Relative to the repeater, Chief Smith contacted the FCC to see if the tower owner has to allow the town on their tower.  The other option is to contact Sheriff Prozzo to see if they will allow another repeater on the county’s tower in Unity.  Brenda Ferland asked Chief Smith to let her know if she does not get a call from Mr. Cheney and she will make a call to him.  The Police Department has been extremely busy with accidents.  Newport Police recently broke a burglary ring that they believe encompasses all of Sullivan County.

Recreation Department:  Tracy Fairbank, Director of the Recreation Department, reported that they had an incident with the 5th grade girls’ basketball team, they contacted Dave Edkins and dealt with the issue; Officer Smith helped them out.  They are still dealing with some personnel issues.  She could not provide a report on the new cell phone due as it has been assigned to the Assistant Director and she has not had an opportunity to talk with him about the quality of reception.  Dave Edkins said the town is committed to the new Nextel contract and most of the town staff agrees that it was a good move.  Mrs. Fairbank also reported that she went to the pool area, did some cleanup and it now has a padlock.  They are anxious to get some work done in that area; the Selectboard signed a contract for building repairs but are waiting for a Certificate of Insurance from the contractor.  Patch Park has been taken care of and is cleaned-up.  Now they are preparing for the Winter Carnival and are hoping for snow and ice; the plans are coming together nicely.  They cleaned out the old Town Hall and noted that the lights in their storage area and at the top of the stairs are still out; Dave Edkins will see that this is taken care of.  Brenda Ferland asked if the committee intends to fill the vacancy on the Recreation Board or wait until the general elections in March.  Tracy Fairbank said a few people have applied but most likely they will wait for the ballot vote.           

Water & Sewer Departments:  Jon LeClair signed the response to the State about the North Charlestown arsenic problem.  Dave Duquette explained the reporting process.  He continues to do research and work on the arsenic issue.  Last week they wrote a letter to the State asking for an extension of another 90 days to develop a plan addressing the issue.  He cannot rush into a comprehensive arsenic removal system and needs more time to test various arsenic removal options.  He put $100,000 into the proposed budget for this system.  They have been working on cleaning-up their sites.  Daniels Construction is done on the Fling Road sewer line.  He will check on the breakdown for one over-run of $4,300 for ledge removal as he thought it was $1,000; this work was with 2005 funding that was held over.  Mr. Duquette is putting together a new Ten-Year plan for water and sewer improvements but it needs more work and is somewhat dependent on new water rates.  He would like to have the Selectboard take some time to look at the dams on Clay Brook.  Dave Edkins received a copy of a new survey of the Swift property and the new owner has raised some concerns about the condition of the lower dam.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to do the walk and inspection on Wednesday, December 27th at noon.

David Henry:  David Henry, who resides on East Street, would like to have the Selectboard re-think their policy regarding sewer charges water used in filling swimming pools.  The wastewater charge is figured on the amount of water usage.  For example, if a resident empties a swimming pool for a new liner about every five years.  Mr. Henry doesn’t mind paying for the water to re-fill it but objects to paying for the wastewater as there isn’t any going into the town system.  There was discussion relative to having a separate meter for the pool and outdoor faucets which would segregate the usage and allow the sewer charge to be deducted for water that does not enter the sewer system.  Dave Duquette said the current policy was implemented in 1999.  David Henry would appreciate the Selectboard’s reconsideration of this matter.  

Maurice Butterfield:  Maurice Butterfield of Cummings Avenue asked the Board to address the issue of Fred Poisson stripping construction materials off the old Norwood building components that he is storing on flat bed trailers on Cummings Avenue.  He stated that it is blowing all over the neighborhood.  All the white spots that have recently appeared on area roads are the result of the ceiling insulation material falling off when he is trucking this material; there is a mess in the swamp.  Fred Poisson is also starting to take deliveries of old cars on his property that will be sold.  It is a vindictive thing that he is doing to everybody.  Dave Edkins will look into these issues.  

Ken and Diane Weaver:  Mr. Weaver asked if the Town is going to fix his driveway.  Steve Neill and Keith Weed looked at the driveway and agreed to extend the culvert in both directions to take care of the access.  Keith Weed is not in favor of eliminating the ditch completely.  Mr. Weaver thanked the Selectboard and Keith Weed for this decision.    
There was no Selectboard comment.

Heritage Commission:  Steve Neill reported that the Heritage Commission is concerned about the length of time that the Selectboard has committed for the cannon to remain at the Fort.  Dave Edkins received the contract that was available at this meeting; the Fort is proposing a five-year agreement.  The Fort has insured the cannon for $150,000.  Steve Neill’s only question is if there is a loss will the Town get the insurance reimbursement. Dave Edkins will check on this.  

Steve Neill moved to accept and sign the agreement with the Fort with the stipulation that if anything happens to the cannon that the insurance money comes back to the Town.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  She felt it is a good place for the cannon; the Fort did what we asked them to do.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable vouchers were signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Transfer Station – Recycling Mechanical of New England $5,200 – for compactor repairs (the quote for a new compacter is $15,240.00); 2) Selectboard Office – All Service $519.95 for a copier service contract; 3) Transfer Station – Eastern Analytical $998.80 for landfill monitoring; 4) Highway – Rouse Tire $1,130.00; 5) Highway – GWS Fence and Guardrail Company $2,800.00; 6) Highway – Ferguson Water Works $656.47; 7) Highway – Depot Home Center $640.05; and 8) Highway – Blaktop Paving $660.00.

Voucher:  The Selectboard signed one voucher for a check that was destroyed by the post office.

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved one Abatement for an Inventory Penalty.

Veterans Property Tax Exemptions:  The Selectboard approved two Veterans Property Tax Exemptions.     

Warrant for Timber Yield Tax:  The Selectboard approved a Warrant for a Timber Yield Tax in the amount of $6,566.32.

Pole License for National Grid:  The Selectboard approved and signed an application from National Grid requesting a license to install Poles, Guides, Wires and Anchors in the public way in the Scenic Hill area.

Cemetery Trustees:  The Selectboard received a letter from Betty Bascom advising that she is resigning as a Cemetery Trustee.  The Cemetery Trustees recommended that Edgar Benjamin be appointed to fill the vacancy until the next election.

Steve Neill moved to accept the resignation of Betty Bascom with regret and to appoint Edgar Benjamin as a Cemetery Trustee to fill this vacancy until the next Town Meeting in 2007.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Finance Committee:  A letter was received from Barbara Blanchard advising that she is resigning as a member of the Finance Committee before her term ends.

Brenda Ferland moved to accept the resignation from Barbara Blanchard with regret.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.   

Dave Edkins was asked to send letters to both Betty Bascom and Barbara Blanchard thanking them for their service to the Town.

Town of Unity:  The Town of Charlestown received a letter from the Town of Unity Planning Board notifying us of the proposed development of a 164-unit campground.  This project is deemed a project of regional impact so they are notifying Charlestown as an abutter.  The Selectboard agreed that this project is unlikely to have any impact on Charlestown.

Office Manager:  The Selectboard reviewed a notice to be placed in the newspapers advertising the Office Manager position.  This will be posted and placed in the Municipal Association web page, Town & City magazine area newspapers.

Town Report Cover:  The Selectboard approved a picture of the Library and Bakery Buildings with the new street lights on for use on the 2007Town Report cover.     

Quotes for the Printing of the Town Reports:  Several quotes were received ranging for $955.00 to $2,481.09.  Due to cost, the Selectboard chose to stay with the black-and-white cover rather than color.  Pat Royce has recommended going with the lowest bidder.

Steve Neill moved to accept the lowest bid if the references check out; otherwise the Selectboard will move down the list.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

The Selectboard are thinking about the dedication of the Town Report.

New Hampshire Public Works:  A letter was received from the NH Public Works Standards and Training Council about putting on seminars.  Keith Weed advised that the town is a member.   

Tax Maps:  Dave Edkins reported that there is a situation with the tax mapping and the Town of Unity.  One property has a portion in Charlestown and a portion in Unity.  The house was in Unity but the new tax maps draw the town line right through the middle of the house and put more land in Charlestown.  The owner is being taxed by two towns and is anxious to have it resolved.  She would like the two towns to get together soon.  Dave Edkins talked with the map people today and they suggested doing a GPS perambulation for a cost of about $800.00 plus the map update.  Dave Edkins continues to research this.  As a gesture of good faith, he suggested abating the tax on the two acres in question until this is straightened out.  The Board agreed to this approach with the understanding that the Town would not give up any taxable property once the location of the line is verified.

Old Claremont Road:  Keith Weed and Dave Edkins have a meeting on the Old Claremont Road tomorrow morning to discuss the water problem.    

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said the Commission met this week but he was unable to attend due to the Finance Committee meetings.

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Dave Edkins attended this meeting but they did not have a quorum so no official meeting took place.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  The application for Junction Holdings was granted final approval as presented.  Mr. Feleen is looking at professional office space or small retail use.  The Planning Board accepted as complete the application for Madesa Real Estate to renovate and expand an existing storage barn and surrounding area for storage of construction equipment and supplies at 237 Springfield Road.  There is a zoning issue here so more research needs to be done.  Dave Duquette advised that there is a sewer line that runs down behind the barn; he will look into the old line.  This application was continued until the next Planning Board meeting.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said there will be a meeting soon.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that their last meeting was combined with the public discussion concerning street trees.  They want to maintain the existing trees and think about future plantings down the road.  Keith Weed, Dave Edkins, Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland all attended this meeting.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that there have not been any recent meetings.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved.  The time was 9:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                 Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill         Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the January 3rd, 2007, Selectboard meeting.)